The Magazine published 58 issues over more than two years on a wide variety of subjects of interest to curious people. It ceased publication on December 18, 2014.
The Magazine was funded entirely by subscribers.
The Magazine ceased publication on December 18, 2014 with Issue #58. See our FAQ for more details.
You can purchase our complete archives, almost 300 articles, as a DRM-free ebook in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats, published August 2015.
In this issue Previous issue | Next Issue
The Professionalization of Pot free
Former tokers may be more baffled by maryjane’s many varieties than befuddled by higher potency.
Hocus Focus

Look over there.
Genetic Shoelaces Told My Demise

A protective structure at the end of chromosomes may be key to predicting — and changing — our lifespan.
Master of Band Administration

Running a gigging band prepares you for a real life in business.
Majestic Espresso

When Italians say coffee, they mean espresso. There is no other kind.
Previous issue (2012-12-06, #5) | Next Issue ( 2013-01-03, #7)