The Magazine published 58 issues over more than two years on a wide variety of subjects of interest to curious people. It ceased publication on December 18, 2014.
The Magazine was funded entirely by subscribers.
The Magazine ceased publication on December 18, 2014 with Issue #58. See our FAQ for more details.
You can purchase our complete archives, almost 300 articles, as a DRM-free ebook in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats, published August 2015.
In this issue Previous issue | Next Issue
The Ties That Band

A marching band switches its policy on glowing screens to keep it moving to the right beat.
Fits You to a T

That shirt was out of character for you, and everyone kids you about it.
Fighting Words

I didn’t come here for an ungument.
Bit Bucket free
A betrayal at the end of Bill’s life led to a second death as his digital self was scattered to the four winds.
Get It in Gear

No justification remains for driving a stick shift, except the subtle pleasures of mechanical mind-melding.
Previous issue (2013-01-03, #7) | Next Issue ( 2013-01-31, #9)